Arlington Pharmacy

Company Names, addresses, dates:
  Arlington Pharmacy, 2901 Columbia Pike, Arlington VA 1
  Arlington Pharmacy, 2912 Columbia Pike, Arlington VA 2

Advertisements in the Washington Post in 1937 & 1938 list the address of the Arlington Pharmacy as 2912 Columbia Pike, whereas a matchbook cover I saw on facebook listed the address as 2901 Columbia Pike. Assuming the matchbook was not a misprint, the pharmacy must have moved across the street at some point, but I don't know which address came first.
The April 11, 1941 issue of the Washington Post newspaper (page 25) mentioned the Arlington Pharmacy bowling team, so presumably the drugstore was still in business during that year. I wasn't able to find any references to the Arlington Pharmacy after 1941.


arlington_01 Clear 3.7" screw-top bottle with a label that says:
label: AROM. SPIRIT OF AMONIA / ... / The Arlington Pharmacy / PHONE CLARENDON 1448 / Columbia Pike, ARLINGTON, VA.
embossed on base: ILLINOIS

1 Photo of a Matchbook Cover advertising "The Arlington Pharmacy" I saw on facebook
2 Washington Post newspaper, Feb 24, 1938, Advertisement on page X11

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This page last updated on July 3, 2019.