Dart Drug Store

Company Names, addresses, dates:
  Dart Drug Store, Columbia Pike & S. Glebe Rd, Arlington VA (1963-ca.1984) 1
  Dart Drug Store, Lee Highway & N. Harrison Street, Arlington VA 2

Acording to Wikipedia, Dart Drug was founded in 1955 by Herbert Haft and his wife, it expanded to over 100 stores, and was sold in 1984.

There were 2 stores that I know of in Arlington. The one at 3263 Columbia Pike (intersection of Columbia Pike and Glebe Road) was formerly the Carrier Drug Co and became a Dart Drug store in 1963.1
The Carrier Drug Co shows up in various Arlington directories as early as 1947.

The 2nd one I know about was at the SW corner of Lee Highway and N. Harrison Street. I had a summer job working at that Dart Drug Store in 1978.


dart_01 This is plastic vial from Dart Drug store. It doesn't have an address so there's no indication it's from Arlington, but I've included it anyway. It says:
on plastic lid: DART DRUG

Other Items:
dart_02 This is part of a 1978 paycheck stub from when I had a summer job at Dart Drug Store. I worked at Store #704, on the SW corner of Route 29 and Harrison Street.

1 Northern Virginia Sun, 12-Feb-1963, page 5 (Dart Gets New Store)
2 (I worked at this Dart Drugstore in the summer of 1978)

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This page last updated on August 16, 2023.