W. Richardson
Company Names, addresses, dates:
W. Richardson, Upperville VA (c.1870-1880) 1,2
W. Richardson, 5 East Main Street, Berryville VA (1880-1900) 2,3,4
Webster Richardson (1844-1900)5 married Mary Richardson in 1868, and resided in Upperville
until 1880, when he moved to Berryville.2
The 1870 and 1880 Census lists him as a druggist in Upperville.
He ran a drugstore in Berryville until April 1900, when one of his Druggists,
J.C. Avis ,
bought the drugstore4. Richardson died later that year5.
This is a clear 3.6" bottle embossed:
horizontal: W. RICHARDSON / DRUGGIST / (mortar & pestle inside a ribbon) / BERRYVILLE VA
The top of this bottle has broken off. What's left is about a 4" bottle embossed:
horizontal: W. RICHARDSON / DRUGGIST / (mortar & pestle inside a ribbon) / BERRYVILLE VA
This is a 6.75" aqua BIM unembossed bottle with a partial label.
It came from an attic in Berryville, so I'm confident it's from that town.
This is what I can make out from what's left of the label:
I included a separate photo of just the label
1 US Census for 1870 & 1880 list Webster (or 'Web') Richardson as a druggist in Upperville, VA
2 Clarke Courier, 31-Jan-1906, page 2 (obituary for Mary Richardson, Webster's wife)
3 Photo of Richardson's drug store at 5 E. Main, Clarke Co Historical Association web site record 1998.00472.013
4 Clarke Courier, 25-Apr-1900, page 4
5 Find-a-grave for Webster Richardson
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This page last updated on June 27, 2020.