Clear's Drug Store
Company Names, addresses, dates:
  Clear's Drug Store, Colonial Heights VA
I believe the proprietor of this store was
Druey Dame Clear (1909-1968)1.
Druey Clear is listed as a pharmacist in the 1940 US Census, living in Petersburg VA, which is just
south of Colonial Heights. The 1950 US Census lists him as owning a drugstore in Colonial Heights.
But a 1958 City directory for Petersburg VA lists him as working as a pharmacist in the
Blackwell & Smith
drugstore, so
presumably the store he owned in Colonial Heights had closed down by then.
So presumably Clear's drug store in Colonial Heights started sometime after 1940, and closed down
sometime before 1958.
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This is a clear 4.2" screw-top bottle with a label that says: label: CLEAR'S DRUG STORE / PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY / PHONE 62 COLONIAL HEIGHTS, VA. typed on the label: For Bites. |