Joseph B. Gorrell
Company Names, addresses, dates:
  J. B. Gorrell, 102 N. Main Street, Culpeper VA (1854-ca.1904) 1,2
  J. N. Gorrell, Culpeper VA
Dr. Joseph Baker Gorrell (1832-1914)3 came to Culpeper and started a drug
store there in 1854.1
"In & Around Culpeper - Walking & Driving Tours of a Virginia Piedmont Town"
on page 14 identifies a building on 102 N. Main Street as Gorrell's pharmacy, where
U.S. Grant used to visit in 18644.
There are some displays with information about J.B. Gorrell on the 2nd floor of the
building at 102 N. Main street, which says that Gorrell's drug store was there during
the civil war. It also says Gorrell lived in the upper 2 floors, and that he renovated
the building in 1889.
Dr. Joseph N. Gorrell (1858-1910) 5 was the son of Joseph B. Gorrell.
The Census lists him as a drug clerk in 1880, and a druggist in 1900, so he presumably
worked in his father's drugstore. He may have taken over the store at some point, as
one of the bottles below is embossed with "J.N. GORRELL".
In 1904, Dr. Goldsborough started a drug store in the Gorrell building.2
I presume this means he bought out Gorrell's drugstore business.
Joseph B. Gorrell's brother,
Benjamin H. Gorrell,
had a drug store in Lexington VA. 6
J.B. GORRELL Bottles:
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Clear 4.7" bottle embossed: vertical: J.N. GORRELL / DRUGGIST / CULPEPER, VA. |
This is a modern photo of the building at 102 N. Main Street in downtown Culpeper, taken March of 2009. It is presumably the same building that housed Gorrell's pharmacy. |
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