Bendall's Drug Store

Company Names, addresses, dates1:
  Bendall's Drug Store, 300 Craghead St., Danville VA (c.1920-1960+)

Robert Paschal Bendall, Sr. (1892-1969) was the proprietor of Bendall's drug store2.
His drug store isn't in the 1917 Danville city directory, but is in the 1921 directory, so it probably started sometime in that date range. It shows up in all the subsequent city directories up to 1960, and I have not researched beyond that date, so I don't know what year it closed.


bendall_01 Clear 4.6" (2 oz) bottle embossed:
vertical: Bendall's / DRUG STORE / DANVILLE, VA.
edges: (CC gradations on the right, OUNCE gradations on the left)

1 City directories for Danville VA, years: 1917,21,27,29,30,31,35,37,39,41,43,45,47,50,52,54,60
2 Virginia Death Record 69 022452 for Robert Paschal Bendall, Sr. August 6, 1969

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This page last updated on Sept 18, 2019.