Company Names, addresses, dates:
  Wallace-McFall, Danville VA
I can't find the Wallace-McFall drug store in any of the Danville City directories.1
The J.C. McFall
drug store first shows up in the 1892 Danville city directory, so if
Wallace's partner was J.C. McFall, then this drug store probably existed shortly
before that.
The Frank McFall
drug store first shows up in the 1917 Danville city directory, so if
Wallace's partner was Frank McFall, then this drug store probably existed shortly
before that.
If that is the case, then the senior partner may have been Emmett Mason Wallace
(1882-19??)2 who is listed in 1904-1908 Danville directories as a drug clerk.
More information about Danville drug stores is available at
rdricketts blog.
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Clear 6.5" bottle embossed: vertical: DRUGGISTS / Wallace - McFall / Co. Inc. / DANVILLE, VA. base: C L G CO / 5 |