W.E. Kite / Elkton Pharmacy
Company Names, addresses, dates:
  The Elkton Pharmacy, W.D. Hudson, Elkton VA (1920-1921) 1
  The Elkton Pharmacy, W.E. Kite, Elkton VA (ca.1920s-ca.1940) 1,2
  The Kite Drug Co, Elkton VA (ca.1940-ca.1965) 2,3
William Edgar Kite (1894-1965)4 became a registered assistant
pharmacist in 19165.
His 1917 WWI draft card said he was working for the
Shirey & Brown drug store in Buena Vista, VA.
He would have been about 23 years old at that time.
I don't know what year he took over the Elkton Pharmacy. Mr.
W.D. Hudson,
who had for many years been an Alexandria VA druggist,
was the manager of the Elkton Pharmacy from 1920-19211.
The 1930 US Census lists William Kite as the owner of a drugstore, but the 1920
Census did not, so I presume he took over ownership of the Elkton Pharmacy sometime
between those 2 years. Kite's name is also listed on a 1930 pill-box shown below,
so he was the owner by that time.
His death certificate in 1965 listed him as a drug store owner, so I presume
the drugstore lasted at least until 1965.
I've seen a pill box from 1948 that used the name "The Kite Drug Co"2,
so at some point on or before 1948 the name must have changed from
"The Elkton Pharmacy" to "The Kite Drug Co". The pill box depicted below from
1930 has the old name.
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This is a Sun Colored Amethyst (SCA) 4.6" bottle embossed: vertical: THE ELKTON PHARMACY / W.E. KITE / ELKTON, VA. |