Chamblin's Pharmacy / Herndon Pharmacy

Company Names, addresses, dates:
      Chamblins Pharmacy, Station Street, Herndon VA (1917-1934) 1,2
      Herndon Pharmacy (Bert Sasher proprietor), Station Street, Herndon VA (1934-1965) 2

This drug store started out as Ernest Robey's drug store.

In 1917, after Robey's store burned down, Dr Ralph VanSickler Chamblin (c.1892-1934)3 took over Robey's drug store business. He had been manager for Robey prior to this time.1
There are 2 references to where Robey's store ended up - one puts it on Pine Street and the other one on Station Street1. It seems that either (a) one of these references is incorrect, or (b) maybe both locations had former Robey drug stores. In any case, the post card below shows that Chamblins ended up at some point on the NW corner Station Street where it intersects with Lynn Street, possibly in 1917 or possibly later.

In 1934, the pharmacy was purchased by Bert Campbell Sasher (1906-1973)4 who ran it until 19652.
Sasher grew up in Arlington VA, graduated from GWU school of pharmacy, and got a job at the Boyer Pharmacy in Arlington for 3 years. In 1933, he purchased the Ballston Pharmacy, also in Arlington. Sometime after purchasing the Herndon Pharmacy, he sold the Ballston Pharmacy.2
Sasher apparently had a partner named "Caldwell" during his time at the Herndon Pharmacy, as the pill box from 1950 that is depicted below says "SASHER & CALDWELL". I don't know anything about Caldwell.


(I don't have any bottles from the Chamblis or Herndon Drug Store)

Chamblins Drug Store Items:
herndon_02 This postcard shows the Chamblin's drug store on Station Street in Herndon.
herndon_03 This snippet (taken from Google December-2020) is of location on Station Street where the Chamblin's drug store was. The original building burned down in the 1970s, and was just to the left of the yellow building in this photo.

Herndon/Sashers Drug Store Items:
herndon_01 This is a 1.5" x 2.5" cardboard pill box, with a label from 1950 that says:
HERNDON / PRESCRIPTION/ PHARMACY / SASHER AND CALDWELL / PHONE 78 HERNDON, VA. / No. 114964 Date 8-8-50 / Mrs. Ryon / ONE before meals when needed / Dr. Wm.Meyer

1 Online Herndon Historical Society article about Ernest Robey by Barbara Glakas
2 Washington DC Evening Star, 14-May-1973 page 41 (obituary for Bert Sasher)
3 Find-a-grave entry for Ralph VanSickler Chamblin
4 Find-a-grave entry for Bert Campbell Sasher

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This page last updated on January 2, 2021.