Fort Hill Pharmacy

Company Names, addresses, dates: 1
  Fort Hill Pharmacy Inc., 3501 Memorial Ave., Lynchburg VA (1926-1946)
  Fort Hill Pharmacy Inc., 3503 Memorial Ave., Lynchburg VA (1948-ca.1971) 1,2

The Fort Hill Pharmacy was sold in 1927, from L.D. Pleasant and Ralph B. Goode to S. G. Hammer.3

That same year, Harry Elmore Crabtree (1891-1938)4 was listed as the proprietor of the pharmacy in the Lynchburg city directory. He continued to be listed as the proprietor until his death in 1938. 1

The address of the drugstore seems to have changed between the 1946 and 1948 city directories, so it apparently moved one door down from 3501 to 3503 Memorial Avenue during that time.1

I don't know exactly when the store closed down, but the last newspaper mention I could find was a ticket on sale in November of 19712.

forthill_01 Clear 4.2" screw-top bottle with a label:
label: GLYCERIN & ROSE WATER ... / Fort Hill Pharmacy, Inc. / PRESCRIPTION WORK OUR SPECIALTY / 3503 Memorial Ave. / Phones 217 & 218 LYNCHBURG, VA.
embossed on the base: Brockway / 10

1 Lynchburg City Directories for years: 1920,21,23,24,26-40,43,45,46,48-60
2 The Roanoke Times, 21-Nov-1971, p.41 (last newspaper mention I found for "Fort Hill Pharmacy")
3 Roanoke Daily Times, 14-Jul-1927, p.2
4 Find-a-grave entry for Harry Elmore Crabtree

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This page last updated on January 20, 2025.