S.E. Richardson
Company Names, addresses, dates:
  S.E. Richardson, Mathews Court House, VA
  Richardson's Drug Store, Main & Church Streets, Mathews Court House, VA (1922-1994)
Dr. Samuel E. Richardson (1861-1945)1 had a drugstore at Mathews Courthouse.
He also had a drugstore at
Cape Charles VA
circa 1897.
He's listed in the 1900 US Census as owning a drug store in Mathews County, and in the 1920 US Census
as having a drugstore in Saluda, Middlesex VA.
His brother, Ellis Clarke Richardson (1866-1942)2 started the Richardson drug store
in Mathews Court House in 19223. I don't know if that was a brand new store, or if he took
over his brother's old store. Ellis closed the store during WW II3.
Ellis's son, Clarke Trimyer Richardson Sr. (1916-2001)3 re-opened the store in 1946,
and it remained open until 1994.