Purcell Pharmacy / N. Guy Miller

Company Names, addresses, dates:
  Purcell Pharmacy (N. Guy Miller Proprietor), 107 W. Main Street, Purcellville VA
  Purcell Pharmacy (N. Guy Miller Proprietor), 21st Street, Purcellville VA

The book "Images of America - Purcellville" shows a 1908 photo of the Purcellville Pharmacy on page 43. Based on the map on page 79, that places the location of the drug store at 107 W Main Street. There was a fire in 1914, and presumably the Pharmacy was one of the buildings that burned down. The pharmacy appeared to be made of wood in the 1908 photo, but a photo on page 83 shows the brick building in the same location.
There is also a 1935 photo of the Purcellville pharmacy at 21st Street. So presumably it moved to that location sometime after the fire.


purcellville_01 This is a clear, 3.5" machine-made unembossed bottle with a cork and a label:
label (printed): Purcellville Pharmacy / N. GUY MILLER, PROP. / PURCELLVILLE, VA.
label (hand-written): Date: 9-27-35 / Fifteen drops in a bottle water 3 times a day Dr. Hackey

1 Book: Images of America: Purcellville, by Meredith Thomsas

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This page last updated on January 1, 2015.