Boulevard Grant Drug Co., Inc.

Company Names, addresses, dates:
  Boulevard Grant Drug Co., Inc., Boulevard at Westwood Avenue, Richmond VA

The bottle below does not say "Richmond" on it, but the two cross streets in the address (Boulevard and Westwood Ave) do exist in Richmond. Also, this web site mentions this drug store by name as a Richmond drug store. It says that Camilla Jeffries Patton was the first female president of the Richmond Pharmaceutical Association, and that she bought Richmond's Boulevard Grant Drug Co in 19491.
(more information will be added when I get around to researching this druggist)


bgrant_01 Amber 2" machine-made screw-top bottle with a label:
label: 30% Ichthyol / ... / BLVD. GRANT DRUG CO., Inc. / Boulevard at Westwood Avenue / Phone 6-4528
embossed on base: 3 / BROCKWAY


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This page last updated on March 30, 2013.