Weisiger & Anderson

Company Names, addresses, dates:1
  Emmett W. Weisiger, 708 Hull St., Manchester/Richmond VA (1869-1905)
  Weisiger & Carter, Hull St., Manchester VA (1890-1894) 2
  Weisiger & Anderson, 708 Hull St., Richmond VA (1906-1913)
  Weisiger & Anderson, 813-15 Hull St., Richmond VA (1914-1916)
  Frank Anderson, 815 Hull St & 1801 Hull St., Richmond VA (1922-1930+)

Emmett Washington Weisiger (1838-1910)3 went into business at age 14. He served in the Civil War under General "Stonewall" Jackson, and he was a 32nd degree Mason. 4

He started his drugstore at 708 Hull Street in Manchester about 1869.1

In 1881, William J. Carter became a clerk for Weisiger's drug store. In 1890, he became a partner, and the name changed to "Weisiger & Carter". The partnership lasted unti l894.2

Weisiger partnered with Frank Spencer Anderson (1879-1944)5 about 1906, and the firm became known as "Weisiger & Anderson". Weisiger passed away in 1910, but the store name remained as Weisiger & Anderson until about 1916. In later years, Anderson continued to operate the drugstore using his own name. 1
For more information about Anderson, see my F.S. Anderson page.

weisiger_02 Clear 4.25" bottle embossed:
vertical: (mortar & pestle) / E.W. WEISIGER / DRUGGIST / MANCHESTER, VA.
base: W T & CO / USA / PAT ?? 1894
weisiger_01 Clear 4.3" bottle embossed:
base: WT&CO / S / USA / PAT DEC 11 1894

1 Book: "Bottled in Richmond 1811-1930", by Vernon Grant
2 News Leader (Richmond VA), 18-Aug-1924, p.5 "Druggist to Retire"
3 Find-a-grave entry for Emmett Washington Weisiger
4 The Times Dispatch (Richmond VA), 14-Mar-1910, p.8 (obituary for Dr Emmett Weisiger)
5 Find-a-grave entry for Frank Spencer Anderson

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This page last updated on March 17, 2025.