Shirey and Brown

Company Names, addresses, dates:
  Arnica Cream Company Inc., Roanoke VA

Shirey & Brown had a pharmacy in Buena Vista Virginia - see this link .
Buena Vista is about 20 miles from Roanoke. I couldn't find any information indicating that Shirey & Brown had any drugstore in Roanoke, nor evidence that they were affiliated with the Arnica Cream Company. The Arnica Cream Company of Roanoke was incorporated in 1919 with Charles D. Fox as the president, Philip Glore as secretary, and F.M. Mahood as treasurer1.


shirey_01 This is a clear, 4.3" bottle embossed:
vertical: Shirey and Brown / ARNICA CREAM / ARNICA CREAM CO. INC. / ROANOKE, VA.

Here's a comparison of the Roanoke Anica Cream bottle next to a Buena Vista Arnica Cream Bottle:

1 Richmond Daily Dispatch, 5-Mar-1919, page 12

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This page last updated on Junea 4, 2021.