Perkins Drug Store

Company Names, addresses, dates:
  Perkins Drug Store, South Boston VA (ca.1941 - ca.1955) 1,2

The earliest reference I could find to this drug store was a 1941 newspaper want ad for a "sober pharmacist"1.
The latest reference I could find was a 1955 newspaper advertisement that listed Perkins Drug Store as well as 4 other stores located in South Boston, VA.2

For what it's worth, the newspaper mentions in the 1940s refer to the store as "Perkin's Cut Rate Drug Store", and the ones in the 1950s refer to it as "Perkin's Drug Store" without the words "Cut Rate".

Based on the postcard below, and my attempt to find that same view using Google, I beleive the address of Perkins store was 309 Main Street.

Apparently this pharmacy was part of the the Rexall chain of drug stores .


perkins_01 This is a clear 4.5" machine-made bottle with a label that say:
label: Perkins Cut Rate / Drug STore / THE PRESCRIPTION STORE / SOUTH BOSTON, VIRGINIA / ...
label in the corner: THE Rexall STORE
embossed on the base: OWENS

Other Items:
perkins_02 This is a 2.6" tall carcboard canister with a label that says:
label: Perkins Cut Rate / Drug STore / THE PRESCRIPTION STORE / SOUTH BOSTON, VIRGINIA / ...
label in the corner: THE Rexall STORE
perkins_03 This is a postcard. The Perkins drug store is on the right side of the card, with a yellow sign that says "PERKINS Rexall DRUGS".
Judging from the cars, I would guess this card is from the 1950s.
perkins_04 This is a snippet taken from Google in October 2023. I believe this is the same view as the postcard above. If that is correct, then the Perkins Drug store would have been where the "Distinct Impressions" store is, at 309 Main Street.

1 Richmond Times-Dispatch, 31-May-1941, p.19, Ad for "A Sober pharmacist"
2 Richmond Times-Dispatch, 31-Oct-1955, p.11

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This page last updated on October 10, 2023.