P.H. Trout & Co

Company Names, addresses, dates:
  P.H. Trout & Co, Staunton VA

(more information will be added when I get around to researching this druggist)


trout_01 Clear 4.5" bottle that has been glued back together after breaking. It is embossed:
horizontal slug plate: P.H TROUT & CO / DRUGGISTS / STAUNTON. VA
trout_02 This clear 4.5" bottle is the same as the bottle above, and it was also glued back together. It also seems to be weakly embossed like the one above. It's embossing says:
horizontal slug plate: P.H TROUT & CO / DRUGGISTS / STAUNTON. VA

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This page last updated on January 4, 2014.