Gaunt's Drug Store

Company Names, addresses, dates:
  Miller & Gaunt, Main & Valley Avenue, Winchester VA (ca.1944) 1
  Gaunt's, Main & Valley Avenue, Winchester VA (1944-ca.2014) 2,3

Hunter Marshall Gaunt Sr (1906-1999)4 was a druggist in Winchester. In the 1930s and early 1940s he was working as a pharmacist for Boyd & Rhodes5 and Rhodes6 drug stores.

The earliest reference I could find of him as a drug store owner was a 14-Feb-1944 mention of the "Miller & Gaunt Drug Store"5, so he apparently partnered with someone named Miller. But a week later on 21-Feb-1944, there was a mention of "Gaunt's Drug Store"6, so the partnership seemed to have ended around that time.

In 1958, Harold Frederick Madagan Jr.(1939-2023)3 started working at Gaunt's Drug store at age 18. Madigan later bought the store in 1973, and owned it until about 2014. When Madigan was a child, Patsy Cline poured him cokes from the soda fountain in Gaunt's Drug store. Patsy Cline worked at Gaunt's drug store in 1950/1951, before she went on to stardom as a singer/songwriter. 7

gaunt_01 This is a clear, 3.3" machine-made bottle with a label that says:
label: GLYCERIN / ... / GAUNT'S / PRESCRIPTIONS / DIAL 4104 / Cor. Main and Valley Avenue Winchester, VA.

Other Items:
gaunt_02 gaunt_03 These photos of Gaunt's Drug Store were taken in May 2010. They show the building from 2 different angles, when it was still in business.

1 Northern Virginia Daily, 14-Feb-1944, p.5 (earliest mention of "Miller & Gaunt Drug store")
2 Northern Virginia Daily, 21-Feb-1944, p.5 (earliest mention of "Gaunt's Drug store")
3 Obituary for Harold Frederick Madagan Jr
4 Find-a-grave entry for Hunter Marshall Gaunt Sr.
5 Northern Virginia Daily, 3-Sep-1937, p.6
6 Draft card for Hunter Marshall Gaunt, circa 1940 (lists place of work as Boyd's Drug store)
7 This 17-May-2017 Winchester Star article

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This page last updated on January 15, 2025.