Bantam Beverages
Company Names, addresses, dates:
  Bantam Beverages Inc, Washington DC
I can't find Bantam Beverages in any Washington DC City directories or phone books.
There is also an ACL Bantam Beverages bottle from Birmingham & Decatur Alabama - so maybe
Washington DC had a bottling plant for the Alabama based company?
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book # 62 This is an 8.5" green crown top bottle with white & red markings: front/back shoulders: "21" front: (picture of playing cards 10-ace-10) / 21 / TRADE MARK back: DELICIOUS AND REFRESHING / CONTAINS CARBONATED WATER, SUGAR, CITRIC ACID, / SODA & LITHIA CITRATES, SODIUM CHLORIDE, FLAVOR / DERIVED FROM OILS OF LEMON & LIME / CONTENTS 7 FLUID OUNCES / BOTTLED UNDER LICENSE OF / BANTAM BEVERAGES, INC. / WASHINGTON, D.C. base: DURAGLASS |