Clifton Springs Mfg Co Inc
Company Names, addresses, dates:
  Clifton Springs Mfg Co Inc, Alexandria VA (1916-1918)
An article in the Washington Post from January 28, 1916 says that Virginia
chartered the Clifton Springs Manufacturing Company of Alexandria. The officers were
J. Owen Lynch (president), M. Lynch (vice president) and G. Raymond Ratcliffe
Another post article from February 18, 1917 said that M. Lynch filed for bankruptcy.
Subsequent items in the post indicate the company went bankrupt in 1918.
The company doesn't show up in any Alexandria directories I've searched - the only
evidence I have besides the bottle is the Post articles.
There was a Clifton Springs Manufacturing Company from Clifton Springs NY. It seems
likely that it was the mother company of or is somehow related to this Alexandria company.
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book # 141 This is an 8.5" aqua machine-made crown top, marked: circle on shoulder: CLIFTON SPRINGS / MFG. Co. INC. / "S" inside of a "C" front: CLIFTON SPRINGS / MFG. / CO. / INC. / D.C. - VA. / REGST. 1916 / CONTAINS 8 OZ. back: 776ES base: "S" inside of a "C" |