Continental Brewing Co
Company Names, addresses, dates1:
  Continental Brewing Co, 512 N Capitol (1897-1901)
  Continental Brewing Co, Alexandria VA
I see several brewing companies named "Continental" in American Breweries II2,
but none from DC or VA. So apparently this was a DC branch of another brewery, probably
the Continental Brewery in Philadelphia.
I also haven't had any luck finding anything about "B.B. Baker", whose name is on one
of the bottles below.
Charles Fleishman, whose name is on another one of the bottles below, apparently was
the DC agent for Baltimore's National Brewing Co before he was the agent for Continental
Brewing Co. A Washington Post article from January 18th, 1893 says that Fleishman
was being charged with forgery and embezzlement by the National Brewing Co. An ad in
the Feb 22, 1902 Washington Post lists Fleishman as the agent for Toledo XXX beer.
book # 183 This is an 8.9" aqua baltimore loop top, embossed: oval slug plate: CONTINENTAL BREW. CO. / ALEX. / BRANCH / KW / REGISTERED back: THIS BOTTLE NEVER SOLD |
book # 184 This is a 9.2" aqua BIM crown top embossed: oval slug plate: CONTINENTAL BREWG CO. / B.B. BAKER / MANAGER / WASHINGTON, D.C. back: REGISTERED / NOT TO BE SOLD |
book # 184 This is very similar to the bottle above, except it says "WASH" instead of "WASHINGTON", and it has a date (1896). It's a 9.2" aqua BIM crown top embossed: oval slug plate: CONTINENTAL BREWG CO. / B.B. BAKER / MANAGER / REGISTERED 1896 / WASH. D.C. back: REGISTERED / THIS BOTTLE NOT TO BE SOLD |
book # 185 This is a 9.3" clear (sun-colored amethyst) BIM crown-top bottle embossed: neck: REGISTERED oval slug plate: CONTINENTAL BREWING CO. / CHAS. / FLEISHMAN / WASH. AGT. / PHILA. PA. |