Terence Fegan

Company Names, addresses, dates1:
  Terence Fegan, 1033 4th St. NW, Washington DC (1888-1899)
  Terence Fegan, 937 4th St. NW, Washington DC (1900-1912)
  Terence Fegan, 314 K St. NW, Washington DC (1906)
  Terence Fegan, 937-939 4th St. NW, Washington DC (1914)
  Terence Fegan, 930 4th St. NW, Washington DC (1915-1917)

Terence Fegan was born in 1856.2 He is listed in city directories as a saloon owner.


fegan_01 (enlarge) book # 241
Aqua 9" blob top bottle embossed:
round slugplate: TERENCE FEGAN / COR. 4 & K ST. N.W. / WASHINGTON, D.C.

1 Boyd's Directory for the District of Columbia (various years)
2 U.S. Census for the year 1910.

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This page last updated on May 25, 2014.