John Gaegler Jr
Company Names, addresses, dates1:
  John Gaegler Jr, 1610 7th St NW, Washington DC (1892-1896)
  Emma A. Gaegler, 1610 7th St NW, Washington DC (1897-1905)
John R. Gaegler Jr. was born Sep 4 1870 in Washington DC, and died March 11, 1896
(also in Washington DC)2. He is listed in DC directories as a Grocer.
When he died in 1896, his wife Emma took over his business. John had a liquor
license, and apparently (from the bottle below) must have bottled beer and sold
it at his grocery store.
book # 272 This is a 9.3" aqua blob top marked: front slug plate: J. GAEGLER JR / 1610 7TH ST / N.W. / WASHINGTON, D.C. front : REGISTERED / THIS BOTTLE / NOT TO BE SOLD |