Glee Club
Company Names, addresses, dates1:
  Glee Club, 20-22 Decatur NE (1925-1934)
The Glee Club beverage company lasted about 9 years.
An ad for Glee Club Ginger Ale in the March 30, 1922 Washington Post said that the proprietor
was "O.L. Carter". A July 20, 1928 Washington Post artical indicated his first name was "Owen".
book # 277 This is a 8.2" clear machine-made crown top marked: front vertical: GLEE CLUB front horizontal: CONTENTS 6 1/2 OZ back vertical: WASHINGTON back horizontal: 4179B ROOT 28 |
book # 278 This is an 8" green machine-made crown top that embossed: front : Glee Club / 490 ROOT 30 back : Glee Club base : WASHINGTON / DC |
book # 279 This is a 9.6" green machine-made crown top that is not embossed. It has a partial label, with a faint picture of a colonial fife-and-drum trio. Here's what I can read from what's left of the label: '76 / CONTENTS 12 OUNCES / PALE DRY / GINGER ALE / Glee Club Beverage Co. / Washington, D.C. / REGISTERED |