Alexander Grambush

Company Names, addresses, dates1:
  Alexander Grambush, 509 11th west, Washington DC (1863-1864)
  H. Haag, 509 11th west, Washington DC (1866-1867)

The stoneware bottle below does not have a city marked on it, but I assume from the name stamped on it that it was from Alexander Grambush in Washington DC.
An 1863 tax record showed "B. Gambush" in Washington DC sold 82 1/4 barrels of "white beer brew", taxed at $1 per barrel. Not sure why it says "B. Grambush" and not "A. Grambush".


grambush_01 book # (unlisted)
This is a 7" tall, tan colored stoneware beer bottle. It has the following stamped above the shoulder:
stamped: A GRAMBUSH & CO

1 Boyd's Directory for the District of Columbia (various years)

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This page last updated on October 18, 2014.