Lyon Beverage Works
Company Names, addresses, dates1:
  Lyon Beverage Works, 225 Pa. Ave. NW, Washington DC (1922-1923)
  Lyon Beverages, Anacostia (1925)
  Lyon Beverage Works, 1310 Ridge place SE, Washington DC (1926-1927)
The Lyon Beverage Works apparently didn't last very long.
The 7-Aug-1921 Washington Post had a want-ad for a saleman
"to sell nationally advertised product; steady job, good pay to right men.
Apply Lyon Beverage Works, Inc., 225 Pa. ave. nw".
An article in the 8-Jun-1927 Washington Post said that Lyon Beverages had
filed for Bankruptcy.
book # 372 These are 7.75" clear crown top ABM bottles with a paneled surface. The left one is embossed: both shoulders: LYON front near base: LYON BEVERAGE WORKS, INC. / WASHINGTON, D.C. / CONTENTS 7 FL. OZ. base: REGISTERED / 2821 The right one is embossed: both shoulders: LYON front heel: LYON BEVERAGE WORKS, INC. / WASHINGTON, D.C. / CONTENTS 6 1/2 FL. OZ. back near shoulder: REGISTERED |
book # 372 This is a 9.2" clear crown top ABM bottle with panels and a stipled surface, embossed: both shoulders: LYON front heel: LYON BEVERAGE WORKS, INC. / WASHINGTON, D.C. / CONTENTS 10 FL. OZ. base: REGISTERED |