Mafralga Beverage Corp
Company Names, addresses, dates1:
  Mafralga Beverage Corp, 715 N. St Asaph, Alexandria (1924)
The Mafralga Beverage Corporation only shows up in Alexandria directories for one
year (1924). I can't find anything in the Census about a person named Mafralga,
so maybe the company was not named after a person - maybe it's two peoples name
combined or something like that.
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book # 384 This is an ornate 7.5" aqua machine-made crown top with a 14-sided base, marked: round slug plate: CONTENTS 6 1/2 FL. OZS. / MAFRALGA BEVERAGE / CORPORATION / ALEXANDRIA, VA. below slug plate: REGISTERED base: M It's also got "16" and "G" embossed on the lower portion of the crown. |