Michael McDonnell
Company Names, addresses, dates1:
  M. McDonnell, 3243 M street NW (1902,1905-1906)
Michael McDonnell shows up in DC directories under wholesale liquor dealers
in 1902 and 1905, and under saloons & restaurants in 1905 & 1906.
book # 409 Clear (slightly sun-colored amethyst) 9.25" blob top bottle with stopper, embossed: round slugplate: M. MC DONNELL / WHOLESALE DEALER / 3243 / M. ST. N.W. / WASHINGTON D.C. back: REGISTERED NOT TO BE SOLD |
book # 409 This clear 8.8" blob top is nearly identical to the one above, except that the embossing is slightly different. It's embossed: above slugplate: REGISTERED round slugplate: M. MC DONNELL / WHOLESALE / DEALER / 3243 / M. ST. N.W. / WASHINGTON D.C. back: THIS BOTTLE / NOT TO BE SOLD |