Washington DC Beer Brewers

These are pre-1900 Beer Brewers from Washington DC that I don't currently have a bottle for. If you have a bottle from one of these brewers, please send me a photo.
By the way, I make no claims as to the accuracy or completness of this list. It's just something I created from looking through old city directories (which tend to be full of mistakes & typos).

Company Names, addresses, dates1:

  Francis J Adt, 13th and D SE, Washington DC .................................. (1875-1878)
  Francis J Adt, D near 14th SE, Washington DC ................................. (1879-1882)
  John Albert, 2431 F Street NW, Washington DC ................................. (1877)
  John Albert, 2445 F Street NW, Washington DC ................................. (1878-1894)
  Albert Brewing Co, F cor 25th NW, Washington DC .............................. (1895-1897)
  Banner Brewing Co, 421 10th NW, Washington DC ................................ (1892-1896)
  Paul Bautmann, 21 East Capitol St, Washington DC ............................. (1858)
  John F. Betz & Son, 615 D SW, Washington DC .................................. (1892-1893)
  Paul Bowmaun, 504 D St South, Washington DC .................................. (1860)
  Paul Bowman, D St South corner 6th St East, Washington DC .................... (1862-1863)
  Edward Bowman, South Carolina Avenue and 9th St East, Washington DC .......... (1865)
  Mrs. Katharina Bowman, South Carolina Avenue and 9th St East, Washington DC .. (1866)
  Boyd & Mason, 23 Me ave, Washington DC ....................................... (1858)
  Clement Colineau, K north cor 27th west, Washington DC ....................... (1860-1864)
  J.G. Cook, 1324 7th NW and 45 N NW, Washington DC ............................ (1880)
  Thomas & Clement T. Coote, w side N Jer ave near Eastern Branch, Washington DC (1822)
  Clement T. Coote, e side N Jer av near E Branch, Washington DC ............... (1827) 
  John Cunningham, 19th west cor L north, Washington DC ........................ (1867)
  Joseph Davison, cor 27 w and K n, Washington DC .............................. (1850-1858) 
  Joseph Debes, 508 D SE Washington DC ......................................... (1880)
  Simon Dentz, 38 Greene, Georgetown ........................................... (1874-1879)
  Mrs. Simon Dentz, 38 & 40 Greene, Georgetown ................................. (1877-1884)
  Eisenmenger & Rabe 1345 D bet 13th & 14th SE, Washington DC .................. (1887)
  John Elbert, 619 7th West, Washington DC ..................................... (1886)
  Jacob Elm, 619 7th west, Washington DC ....................................... (1865) 
  Charles Erbach, 330 Md av, Washington DC ..................................... (1860-1867) 
  Everard's Brewery Co 1005 B NW, Washington DC ................................ (1893)
  Leo Ewald, 43 N NW, Washington DC ............................................ (1882)
  Francis Frommel, D south n 5th east, Washington DC ........................... (1864-1866) 
  Charles Grainer, 1812 7th NW, Washington DC .................................. (1878)
  John Guethler, D nr 11th SE, Washington DC ................................... (1883-1884)
  John O. Guethler, D bet 13th and 14th SE, Washington DC ...................... (1885-1886)
  H. Haag, 509 11th West, Washington DC ........................................ (1866-1867)
  Harmon Gordon & Co cor 27 w and K n, Washington DC ........................... (1846) 
  William Hayman, near Market & 3rd st N side, Georgetown ...................... (1843) 
  Frank Hicks, 6th west c Md ave, Washington DC ................................ (1865) 
  Frederick Holzer, 3d east n Pa ave, Washington DC ............................ (1863-1866) 
  Frederick Holzer, Pa av n C south, Washington DC ............................. (1867) 
  Abner & Beyer Hugle, NY ave n 1st, Washington DC ............................. (1865-1866) 
  Humphreys & Juenemann 4th east cor E north, Washington DC .................... (1858-1863) 
  George Juenemann, E north cor 4th NE, Washington DC .......................... (1865-1884) 
  Barbara Juenemann, E north cor 4th NE, Washington DC ......................... (1885) 
  George Juenemann Jr, 400 E NE, Washington DC ................................. (1886) 
  Henry A. Kaiser, 42 Green, Georgetown ........................................ (1862-1867) 
  George Kozel, 43 N NW, Washington DC ......................................... (1880-1881)
  Lackner & Schneider D north n 6th east, Washington DC ........................ (1865) 
  Henry Lerch, 1346 E SE, Washington DC ........................................ (1889)
  Ernst Loeffler, N north n NJ ave, Washington DC .............................. (1860) 
  Ernst Loeffler, NY ave bet 1st and 2d west, Washington DC .................... (1862-1864) 
  William Massey Brewing Co, 615 D SW, Washington DC ........................... (1888-1893)
  Mt Vernon Brewery E nr 4th NE, Washington DC ................................. (1888)
  Charles G. Mueden, B north cor 5th East, Washington DC ....................... (1866-1867)
  Harvey North, K north c 27th west, Washington DC ............................. (1865-1866) 
  John H. North & Co, K north c 27th west, Washington DC ....................... (1867-1868) 
  North Bros(Wm F & Geo L), 2629 K NW, Washington DC ........................... (1871) 
  Dewitt M. Ogden, 27th cor K NW, Washington DC ................................ (1876-1877)
  Henry Rabe, D bet 13th and 14th SE, Washington DC ............................ (1888-1890)
  Richter & Schonborn bet 13th and 14th east, D and E s, Washington DC ......... (1863) 
  Herman H. Richter, D south n 15th east, Washington DC ........................ (1864-1866) 
  Henry Roemhildt, 318 1st NE, Washington DC ................................... (1888-1889)
  Jacob Roth, 347 and 349 1st east, Washington DC .............................. (1864) 
  Jacob Roth, 347 1st east, Washington DC ...................................... (1865-1866) 
  M. Ruppel & Cook, Green's Spring, Georgetown ................................. (1863) 
  C.H. Sawyer, 27th and K NW, Washington DC .................................... (1875)
  Stosh & Kessel 169 7th west, Washington DC ................................... (1864-1866) 
  Louis Schoepflen, 1812 7th, Washington DC .................................... (1877)
  T.C. Trafford, 27th c K NW, Washington DC .................................... (1879)
  Thomas Van Buren, 1317 7th NW, Washington DC ................................. (1877)
  Henry Volkman, 487 10th west, Washington DC .................................. (1864) 
  Joseph Widmann, 487 10th west, Washington DC ................................. (1865-1867) 
  Geo. B. Wilson & Co, 27th and K NW, Washington DC ............................ (1874)

1 Boyd's Directory for the District of Columbia (various years)

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This page last updated on December 18, 2016.