John Rickles

Company Names, addresses, dates1:
  John Rickles, 300 6th street NW (1901-1914)

The 1910 Census lists John Rickles as a Merchant in a Saloon, born 1863 in New York. He's listed as in DC directories under saloons from 1901 to 1914.


rickles book # 583
Sun-colored-amethyst 9.25" blob top bottle embossed:
above slug plate: REGISTERED
round slug plate: JOHN RICKLES / BOTTLER / 6TH & C. STS N.W. / WASHINGTON, D.C.
below slug plate: THIS BOTTLE / NOT TO BE SOLD

1 Boyd's Directory for the District of Columbia (various years)

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This page last updated on June 29, 2014.