Company Names, addresses, dates1:
  Taka-Kola Bottling Corp, 225 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington DC (1919-1921)
Taka-Kola only shows up in Washington DC city directories for 3 years.
thread on antiquebottles.net
said that the company was sued by Coca-Cola in 1921
for trade mark infringement. Maybe that's why they didn't last very long. The
same thread listed all the known Taka-Kola bottlers - all of them were in
Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, and Washington DC.
book # 677 This is an aqua 8" crown top bottle embossed: front: REGISTERED / Taka-kola / WASHINGTON TAKA-KOLA BOTTLING CO / WASHINGTON DC CONTENTS 6 1/2 OZ base: PAT APPLIED FOR |