Washington Bottling Co
Company Names, addresses, dates1:
  Washington Bottling Co, 465 Stafford alley SW (1910-1914)
This seems to be a short-lived company, as it's only listed in the
DC directories from 1910 to 1914. They only made one type of bottle (shown
below), although it comes in 2 sizes (7" and 7.5")2. It also has
at least 3 known variations of the stamped lettering (slightly different
letter sizes and arrangements)3. There are similar bottles
from the Washington Bottling Co that are stamped with "BALTIMORE MD"3.
book # 162 (in the 'stoneware' section) These are both 7.25" stoneware bottles. The one on the right still has it's wire metal stopper. Both are marked: front: WASHINGTON BOTTLING CO. / GENUINE / BREWED / GINGER / BEER / ENGLISH PROCESS / WASHINGTON, D.C. / REGISTERED |