William P. Taylor
Company Names, addresses, dates:1
  William P. Taylor, 616 King Street, Alexandria VA (1905-1911)
  Taylor's Pharmacy, 616 King Street, Alexandria VA (1912-1917)
  The Rexall Store, 616 King Street, Alexandria VA (1918-1936)
Dr. William P. Taylor (1875-1917)2 was a druggist in Alexandria VA.
The 1897-1904 city directories list
Charles G. Lennon
at 616 King Street, so I assume that Taylor
purchased or otherwise took over the drug store from Lennon.
The earliest mention I see of Taylor's store being called "The Rexall Store" was an ad
in the paper on December 2, 1911, which listed the store name as "Taylor's Pharmacy The
Rexall Store"3.
Rexall was a chain of drug stores.
After Williams death in 1917, his store at 616 King Street was listed in city directories
simply as "The Rexall store", without the name of any proprietor.
It remained The Rexall Store until 1936.1
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book # 543 (in medicines section) Clear 4.0" bottle embossed: horizontal: 3i vertical: "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING" / WILLIAM P. TAYLOR / PHARMACIST / ALEXANDRIA, VA. base: S BROS / BALTO MD |
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book # 542 (in medicines section) Clear 6.6" bottle embossed: vertical front: Taylor's / DRUG STORE / ALEXANDRIA / VIRGINIA vertical rear: 8 OZ |