Charles R. Link & Co
Company Names, addresses, dates: 1
  Charles R. Link & Co, 201 West Main St, Charlottesville VA (years unknown) 2
  Charles R. Link & Co, 121 East Main St, Charlottesville VA (1902-1904)
  Post Office Drug Store, 121 East Main St, Charlottesville VA (1906)
  Zimmerman-Link Co Inc, 121 East Main St, Charlottesville VA (1910-1914)
  Zimmerman-Link Co Inc, 109 West Main St, Charlottesville VA (1916)
  Miller-Link Drug Store, 109 West Main Street, Charlottesville VA (1919)
Charles Russell Link (1869-1939)3 is listed in the 1888 and 1893
Richmond city directories as a clerk at the
G.W. Latimer drug store.
By 1902 he had moved to Charlottesville and opened his own drug store1.
The 1906 directory says his drug store was called the "Post Office Drug Store",
with Charles R Link and C. Julian Paoli as the proprietors, so apparently he had
partnered-up and changed the store name.
The 1910 directory listed his store as
Zimmerman-Link Co Inc,
so he apparently teamed up with a new partner named Zimmerman.
The Zimmerman-Link drug store shows up in city directories up until 1916.
The 1919 city directory lists Miller-Link at that address, so Link had teamed up with
Dr. Guy L. Miller .
Subsequent city directories just list Guy Miller at that address, so Charles Link had
moved on by then.
Charles Link shows up in Richmond city directories starting in 1923. He
was listed in those directories as a pharmacist in various Richmond drug stores,
including Burton's Drug Store,
Stokes Drug Co,
Hord's Drug Sore, Wade's Drug Store,
Eaton's Pharmacy.
His obituary says he also worked as a pharmacist in Bristol VA before coming to
Richmond, but I couldn't find any indication of when that was, or what drug store(s)
he worked at.4
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Aqua 5" bottle embossed: verticle: CHAS. R. LINK & CO. / DRUGGISTS / CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. |