F.L. Chapman

Company Names, addresses, dates:
  F.L. Chapman, 334 & 636 Main Street, Danville VA (c.1906) 1

Fred L. Chapman was the successor to R.E. Wiley according to the 1906 City directory for Danville1.
Chapman was also the manager of the Riverside Cotton Mills, and he seemed more dedicated to that businesss then the drugstore business, as he was no longer listed as a druggist in the 1908 City directory. In 1908, John H. Hawkins as the new owner of the drugstore at 636 Main Street, and the drugstore at 334 Main was renamed the Riverside Pharmacy.

More information about Danville drug stores is available at rdricketts blog.


chapman_01 This is a clear 4.6" (3 oz) bottle embossed:
horizontal on neck: 3iii
vertical: F.L. Chapman / DRUGGIST / DANVILLE, VA.
base: C.L.G.CO.
chapman_02 This is a clear 3.2" (4 dram) bottle embossed:
horizontal on neck: 3iv
slanted vertical in script: F.L. Chapman
base: C.L.G.CO.

1 City directories for Danville VA, years: 1902,04,06,08,17,21,...

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This page last updated on September 24, 2019.