Trout Drug Co
Company Names, addresses, dates:
  Trout & Turner, Cloud & Main Streets, Front Royal VA (1901-1912) 1,2
  Trout & Turner, 201 E. Main Street, Front Royal VA (1912-1930) 2,3
  Trout Drug Co, 201 E Main Street, Front Royal VA (c.1930-c.1994) 3,4
In 1901, Henry Trout, Marcus B. Turner, and Dr. D.J. Turner bought out the
Schaarman & Co drug store. They called the new
store "Trout & Turner".1
Isaac Henry Trout Sr. (1872-1946)5 was the senior member for Trout & Turner.
He came to Front Royal in 1890, where he engaged in the drug store and theater
His name is often listed in newspaper articles as "I. Henry Trout", so he presumably
went by "Henry" rather than "Isaac".
He eventually became the sole owner of the business in 19304,6.
Mark Bird Turner (1880-1955)7 was one of Trout's partners in the Trout
and Turner drug store1. He was listed as a registered assistant pharmacist
in 19108.
I could not find evidence that he was related to the 3rd partner,
Dr D. J. Turner (1871-1903)9,
who had the same last name.
The 1901 announcement for the new "Trout & Turner" drugstore said it was located
at the corner of Cloud & Main Streets1.
Newspaper ads for the store at that time said it was located "next to P.O.".
The Front Royal Walking Tour pamphlet says that the Post Office was located inside the
Amiss building2. That building is on the south-west corner of the
intersection of Cloud & Main Streets, so presumably the drugstore was part of the
Amiss building at that time.
A February 1910 newspaper ad said that Trout & Turner had moved to a new location
This may have been referring to the "Trout Building" at 201 E. Main Street, which is
where the store eventually ended up.
That building is depicted on a postcard shown below.
Name Confusion?
The Front Royal Walking Tour pamphlet2 referred to the firm as
"Turner and Trout" instead of "Trout & Turner".
I think maybe that was a misprint, because all of the newspaper ads I could
find said "Trout & Turner".
For what it's worth, there was a firm called "Turner & Trout" in Front Royal at one time.
It was located on the corner of Main & Chester Streets starting in 1872, but
it was a different set of partners (James E. Turner and Wilbur A. Trout)11.
I couldn't find references to that business after 1872, so it was likely short-lived.
Starting about February of 1910, many of the newspaper ads referred to the
store as a "Rexall Store", so apparently it joined the
Rexall chain of drug stores
about that time10.
Later Years
Some of the labeled bottles below say "W.E. Herr Pres.".
Winfred Eugene Herr (1908-1991)12 started working at the Trout Drug
company in 193913.
He is listed as a drugstore assitant
manager in the 1940 US Census. The Census also indicates he was married to Trout's
daughter, Laura Trout Herr, so he was Trout's son-in-law. I don't know what year he
took over the Trout drug store, but it was likely on or before Henry Trout passed away
in 1946.