Camm Brothers
Company Names, addresses, dates:1
Camm Brothers (Edward & James G), Opera House 1104 Main, Lynchburg VA (1887)
Camm Brothers (Edward & James G), Opera House 1104 1/2 Main, Lynchburg VA (1890)
Camm Brothers (Edward & J Govan), Opera House 1104 Main, Lynchburg VA (1897)
Camm Brothers (Edward & J Govan), Opera House 1104 Main, Lynchburg VA (1899)
Camm's Drug Store (Lbg Chemical Co proprs), 1104 Main, Lynchburg VA (1900)
Camm Brothers (Edward Camm Mgr, J Govan Druggist), 1104 Main, Lynchburg VA (1907)
Searching for Camm Brothers in the Chataignes Lynchburg City Directories is confusing.
It seems the Camm Brothers drug store manufactured & sold soda pop, but over the years the
soda manufacturing/bottling broke out into a separate business that was also called "Camm Bros".
The Soda bottling company was at 1020 Main Street, close to the drug store. There are
soda bottles that have the name "CAMM BROS" embossed on them.
Here's a list of the individual Camm brothers, based on the limited number of Lynchburg
city directories that I have access to:
Edward Camm Jr: 1881 was a clerk for Faulkner & Craighill drug store.
1887-1907 proprietor of Camm Brothers drugstore 1104 Main Street. 1104 Main was also
listed as his residence.
James Govan Camm: 1881 was a clerk for Faulkner & Craighill drug store.
1887-1907 proprietor of Camm Brothers drugstore 1104 Main Street.
John Camm: 1890-1907 was listed as proprietor of Camm Bros Bottlers at 1020 Main
(as opposed to Camm Bros Druggists at 1104 Main).
Charles Camm: 1887 was a clerk for Camm Bros druggists. 1890 co-proprietor of
Camm Bros bottling (as opposed to Camm Bros Druggists). Not listed in 1897 directory.
To see a related CAMM bottle, see my
Faulkner & Craighill page.