Westover Pharmacy, Inc.

Company Names, addresses, dates: 1
  Westover Drug Store, 3100 Memorial Ave, Lynchburg VA (ca.1923-1926)
  Westover Drug Store, 3102 Memorial Ave, Lynchburg VA (1927-1929)

William Thomas Beck (1885-1928)2 got started in the drugstore business in Danville VA. The 1900 US census has 17-year old Willie living in Danville, with his occupation a Salesman in a Danville drug store. The 1910 US Census has 26-year old Willie as a drug clerk in a Danville drugstore.

By 1918, William was a druggist in the West End Pharmacy in Danville VA.3
In August of 1921, Beck was sent to jail for shooting up his home. Police said he was under the influence of a drug. 4 I didn't see any follow-up articles about the incident, so I don't know how long he stayed in jail.

But by 1923, he had moved to Lynchburg, and opened up the Westover Drug Co.5
In 1926, the store moved to a new building 2 doors down, at 3102 Memorial Avenue. 1
Beck passed away in 19282. The store was still listed in the 1929 City directory, but it may have closed down by then. The 1930 city directory listed Hall's Pharmacy at 3102 Memorial Avenue, the address that had been Beck's Westover Pharmacy.

westover_01 This is a clear 4.2" machine-made screw-top bottle with a label:
label: AROM. SPIRIT OF AMMONIA / ... / Westover Pharmacy, Inc. / 3102 Memorial Ave., / LYNCHBURG, VA. / Dial 2-3473 - 2-3974 or 2-3475
It must have been a large drugstore to have 3 phone numbers.

1 Lynchburg city directories for the years: 1900,07,08,09,10,13-21,23,24,26-30
2 Find-a-grave entry for William Thomas Beck
3 WW-I draft card for William Thomas Beck, Druggist @ West End Pharmacy in Danville
4 Manassas Journal, 26-Aug-1921, p.9 (Article that begins "W.T. Beck, a Danville druggist..."
5 Critograph newspaper, 10-Nov-1923, p.3 (earliest Ad I found for Westover Drug Store W.T. Beck proprietor)

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This page last updated on February 22, 2025.