Central Pharmacy

Company Names, addresses, dates:1
  Central Pharmacy (W.H. Washington, Prop.), 1201 Hull St., Manchester VA. (1898-1901)1,2
  Washington & Early , 1201 Hull St., Richmond VA (1912-1930+)
  Washington & Early , (various addresses) Richmond VA (1912-1930+)

The bottle below lists "W. H. Washington" as the proprietor. Apparently this refers to Walker Hawes Washington (1869-1923)3, who was also an owner of the Washington & Early drug store.

The only evidence I could find that he was the proprietor of the Central Pharmacy in Manchester, is in Vernon Grant's book1, where it lists "W.H. WASHINGTON       Central Pharmacy" as a drugstore from 1898-1899.
I searched the Richmond City directories, and in 1898,1899, and 1900 I found "W.H. Washington" listed as a druggist at 1201 Hull Street, but I did not see the name "Central Pharmacy" associated with that, or anywhere else in the directories for those years.

Another Drugstore called "Central Pharmacy":
  Central Pharmacy, 1024 N. 1st St., Richmond VA (1913-1916)

There was another drugstore named "Central Pharmacy" in Richmond VA, but it was not in the Manchester section of Richmond, so I assume it's got nothing to do with the bottle below. But since I researched it a bit, here is some information about it:
  The proprietors were:
    Allen M. Bowles (1875-1949)3, and
    Silas H. Shackelford Sr. (18??-1920)4.
They were both African Americans.
Their drugstore was also referred to as "Bowles & Shackelford", and continued on until at least 19301.

central_01 This is a clear, 4.8" tall bottle embossed:
base: *** / WT&CO / A USA / PAT DEC 11 94

1 Book: "Bottled in Richmond 1811-1930", by Vernon Grant
2 City directories for Richmond, including "Manchester" section, 1898,99,1900
3 Death certificate 12511 for Allen M. Bowles, died 2-Jun-1949 in Richmond Va.
4 Find-a-grave entry for Silas Henry Shackelford

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This page last updated on March 5, 2025.