Owen-Sanford Drug Co

Company Names, addresses, dates:
  Owen-Sanford Drug Co, 221 North Main Street, Farmville VA (1953-1954) 1,2
  Owen-Sanford Drug Co, 217 North Main Street, Farmville VA (1954-1955) 3,4
  Owen-Sanford Drug Co, 221 North Main Street, Farmville VA (1955-1961) 4,5,6
  Owen-Sanford Drug Co, Farmville Shopping Center, Farmville VA (1961-1970) 6,7

The Owen-Sanford drug company took over the Patterson Drug Company in 1953 with Hampton C. Owen and Leland B. Sanford as the owners. 1

They had a grand opening in 1953 at a new location, 221 North Main Street.2
They advertised regularly in the Farmville Herald newspaper, and the location of the drugstore changed from 221 N Main to 217 N Main from March of 1954 until May of 1955, then it went back to 221 N Main Street again.3,4,5 I couldn't find any notices about any location change during that time period, so I don't know if there was an actual move, or if they occuped the other half of a building, or what the deal was.2,3,4,5

In 1959, Owen left the company and moved to Arizona. At that time, Sanford took on a new partner, Brantley M. Jefferson.6

Leland B. Sanford
In 1909, Leland Sanfords father E.W. Sanford became a druggist with the White Drug Company, which he later bought. At age 15, Leland started working at his father's drug store. He eventually opened his own store called "Sanford's Store", which sold sundries but not drugs. He later opened the "Post Office Pharmacy" and still later he teamed with Wallace Cunningham, operating the "Cunningham & Sanfords" drug store. After that he rejoined his father's firm of White Drug Company and served as it's drug sales manager, until it was purchased by the Patterson Drug Company. He then became Patterson's sales manager until 1953, when he and Hampton Owen purchased Pattersons and started the Owen-Sanford drug company, which is described in the paragraphs above. Sanford and his later business partner Brantly Jefferson purchased the Gray's Drug Store in 1967. When Sanford retired in 1969, Jefferson became the sole owner of the store. 1
After Sanfords death in 1970, Jefferson became the president of the Gray's Drug Stores, and the store name was changed to Gray's.7


owen_01 This is a 4.7" machine-made bottle with a plastic lid and a label says:
label: Prescriptionists / OWEN-SANFORD DRUG CO / PHONE 517 / FARMVILLE< VIRGINIA / Boric Acid
owen_02 This is a 4.4" machine-made bottle with a plastic lid and a label says:

1 Farmville Herald, 1969-Jul-30, page 1 & 10 (L.B.Sanford retirement)
2 Farmville Herald, 1953-Sep-22, page 1 (Owen-Sanford New Location)
3 Farmville Herald, 1954-Mar-12, page 19 (Owen-Sanford ad at address 217 N Main)
4 Farmville Herald, 1955-May-27, page 19 (Owen-Sanford ad at address 217 N Main)
5 Farmville Herald, 1955-Jun-21, page 8 (Owen-Sanford ad at address 221 N Main)
6 Farmville Herald, 1961-Aug-15, page 4B (Owen-Sanford Grand Opening at Farmville Shopping Center)
7 Farmville Herald, 1976-Jul-30, page 11 (Gray's Drug Store ad)

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This page last updated on October 13, 2023.